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    When Claude and his father went out of the door, Dan sprang up with more alacrity than usual and plunged
    after them. He did not want to be left alone with Mrs. Wheeler. She remained sitting at the foot of the deserted
    breakfast table. She was not crying. Her eyes were utterly sightless. Her back was so stooped that she seemed
    to be bending under a burden. Mahailey cleared the dishes away quietly.
    Out in the muddy fields Claude finished his talk with his father. He explained that he wanted to slip away
    without saying good-bye to any one. "I have a way, you know," he said, flushing, "of beginning things and not
    getting very far with them. I don't want anything said about this until I'm sure. I may be rejected for one
    reason or another."
    Mr. Wheeler smiled. "I guess not. However, I'll tell Dan to keep his mouth shut. Will you just go over to
    Leonard Dawson's and get that wrench he borrowed? It's about noon, and he'll likely be at home." Claude
    One of Ours 97
    found big Leonard watering his team at the windmill. When Leonard asked him what he thought of the
    President's message, he blurted out at once that he was going to Omaha to enlist. Leonard reached up and
    pulled the lever that controlled the almost motionless wheel.
    "Better wait a few weeks and I'll go with you. I'm going to try for the Marines. They take my eye."
    Claude, standing on the edge of the tank, almost fell backward. "Why, what--what for?"
    Leonard looked him over. "Good Lord, Claude, you ain't the only fellow around here that wears pants! What
    for? Well, I'll tell you what for," he held up three large red fingers threateningly; "Belgium, the Lusitania,
    Edith Cavell. That dirt's got under my skin. I'll get my corn planted, and then Father'll look after Susie till I
    come back."
    Claude took a long breath. "Well, Leonard, you fooled me. I believed all this chaff you've been giving me
    about not caring who chewed up who."
    "And no more do I care," Leonard protested, "not a damn! But there's a limit. I've been ready to go since the
    Lusitania. I don't get any satisfaction out of my place any more. Susie feels the same way."
    Claude looked at his big neighbour. "Well, I'm off tomorrow, Leonard. Don't mention it to my folks, but if I
    can't get into the army, I'm going to enlist in the navy. They'll always take an able-bodied man. I'm not
    coming back here." He held out his hand and Leonard took it with a smack.
    "Good luck, Claude. Maybe we'll meet in foreign parts. Wouldn't that be a joke! Give my love to Enid when
    you write. I always did think she was a fine girl, though I disagreed with her on Prohibition." Claude crossed
    the fields mechanically, without looking where he went. His power of vision was turned inward upon scenes
    and events wholly imaginary as yet.
    One bright June day Mr. Wheeler parked his car in a line of motors before the new pressed-brick Court house
    in Frankfort. The Court house stood in an open square, surrounded by a grove of cotton-woods. The lawn was
    freshly cut, and the flower beds were blooming. When Mr. Wheeler entered the courtroom upstairs, it was
    already half-full of farmers and townspeople, talking in low tones while the summer flies buzzed in and out of
    the open windows. The judge, a one-armed man, with white hair and side-whiskers, sat at his desk, writing
    with his left hand. He was an old settler in Frankfort county, but from his frockcoat and courtly manners you
    might have thought he had come from Kentucky yesterday instead of thirty years ago. He was to hear this
    morning a charge of disloyalty brought against two German farmers. One of the accused was August Yoeder,
    the Wheelers' nearest neighbour, and the other was Troilus Oberlies, a rich German from the northern part of
    the county.
    Oberlies owned a beautiful farm and lived in a big white house set on a hill, with a fine orchard, rows of
    beehives, barns, granaries, and poultry yards. He raised turkeys and tumbler-pigeons, and many geese and
    ducks swam about on his cattleponds. He used to boast that he had six sons, "like our German Emperor." His
    neighbours were proud of his place, and pointed it out to strangers. They told how Oberlies had come to
    Frankfort county a poor man, and had made his fortune by his industry and intelligence. He had twice crossed
    the ocean to re-visit his fatherland, and when he returned to his home on the prairies he brought presents for
    every one; his lawyer, his banker, and the merchants with whom he dealt in Frankfort and Vicount. Each of
    his neighbours had in his parlour some piece of woodcarving or weaving, or some ingenious mechanical toy
    that Oberlies had picked up in Germany. He was an older man than Yoeder, wore a short beard that was white
    and curly, like his hair, and though he was low in stature, his puffy red face and full blue eyes, and a certain
    swagger about his carriage, gave him a look of importance. He was boastful and quick-tempered, but until the
    One of Ours 98
    war broke out in Europe nobody had ever had any trouble with him. Since then he had constantly found fault
    and complained,--everything was better in the Old Country.
    Mr. Wheeler had come to town prepared to lend Yoeder a hand if he needed one. They had worked adjoining
    fields for thirty years now. He was surprised that his neighbour had got into trouble. He was not a blusterer,
    like Oberlies, but a big, quiet man, with a serious, large-featured face, and a stern mouth that seldom opened.
    His countenance might have been cut out of red sandstone, it was so heavy and fixed. He and Oberlies sat on
    two wooden chairs outside the railing of the judge's desk.
    Presently the judge stopped writing and said he would hear the charges against Troilus Oberlies. Several
    neighbours took the stand in succession; their complaints were confused and almost humorous. Oberlies had
    said the United States would be licked, and that would be a good thing; America was a great country, but it
    was run by fools, and to be governed by Germany was the best thing that could happen to it. The witness went
    on to say that since Oberlies had made his money in this country--
    Here the judge interrupted him. "Please confine yourself to statements which you consider disloyal, made in
    your presence by the defendant." While the witness proceeded, the judge took off his glasses and laid them on
    the desk and began to polish the lenses with a silk handkerchief, trying them, and rubbing them again, as if he
    desired to see clearly.
    A second witness had heard Oberlies say he hoped the German submarines would sink a few troopships; that
    would frighten the Americans and teach them to stay at home and mind their own business. A third
    complained that on Sunday afternoons the old man sat on his front porch and played Die Wacht am Rhein on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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