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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] as I learned the tested would be you. B-but, I thought Soul Keepers other than the Soul Catcher were rare. Mist Man s laughter echoed in the eerie world. No. They happen all the time but no one has ever passed the test. Most of them are other vampires or werewolves. Humans are actually pretty rare. Rather chatty for a soul-sucking creature of the mist. So, there aren t three tests? I received another toothy smile. There are. But like I said, no one has ever survived the first one. I ve been sent here to die. The words tasted like bitter medicine on my lips as I acknowledged the truth. No one warned me this ticket to Mistville had no return stamped on it. What will happen to Cullen? I could accept my own death after all, I planned on dying eventually but no way would I let Cullen be a soulless undead forever. Mist Man tilted his head. You just learned you were about to die and you worry about your undead lover? I nodded. I m only doing this to get his soul back. Why would I suddenly not care about what would happen to him once I m gone? You can call me Shrillen, the Mist Man said. Okay, Shrillen, what will happen to Cullen? What the hell did I care what his name was when he planned to eat my soul? Generally, over time a soulless undead will become a ravenous creature who has to be put down. I ve heard of them, but I ve never met a human Soul Keeper. You re different than the others. No, I m not. Tears filled my eyes and started to drip down my cheeks. I only want to save my Cullen and go back to my normal life. I don t want to deal with vampires or mist people or whatever else there is I don t know about yet. I just want to go home and live happily ever fucking after! Now tell me how to do that or get the hell out of my way! I d gone from scared to furious in short order. Whoa, tiger. Although he d laughed before, this was the first time I saw the mist man truly amused. His shadowy mouth tilted at the corners. Normally I d never go against www.total-e-bound.com PROTECTING HIS SOUL Amber Kell 37 getting a two-for-one deal, but you intrigue me. For the first time I want to see what a Soul Keeper will do. Hope fluttered like a baby bird inside my chest. What does that mean? It means you get the first ever get-out-of-the-globe pass. Give the Soul Catcher my regards. A gold paper appeared in his hand. He held it out to me. Making sure our hands never touched, I reached forward and snatched the ticket. Cullen is a lucky man. Thank you. Before I could say anything else or ask how the ticket worked, the world swirled around me. My feet touched down again before I realised I d left the ground. Blinking to clear my vision, I barely saw where I stood before strong hands snatched me up and held me close. Cullen, I can t breathe, I gasped. Breathing is overrated, Cullen growled. Shocked, I pushed myself free. Blue-green. Not quite the shocking bright green I was accustomed to, but Cullen s eyes were no longer an eerie blue. This is unexpected. The Soul Catcher s voice broke through my musings. My tentative grip on reality was sliding through my fingers but I kept a determined hold. Shrillen says hello. I was rather proud I kept my face neutral when I delivered the message. I really wanted to find something to beat her with instead. She tapped her chin with one long finger. I don t know how you passed the trial of devotion, but we ll see how you do with this next one. Good luck. Before I could ask any questions, a coin flew in my direction and foolishly I caught it. Flames consumed me as I was swept away once more. I m a complete idiot, I muttered. This time the location had no mist or eerie echoing. Instead I stood on a stone platform surrounded by a lake of fire. www.total-e-bound.com PROTECTING HIS SOUL Amber Kell 38 At least we finally agree on something, Cullen s mother said. Crap! I took a slow breath before I turned to face her. She said you wouldn t make it this far but I knew if you were half as devoted as my son, you d show up. Her words were complimentary but her expression said she smelt something rotten. I gave a short bow. I appreciate your confidence in me. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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