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[ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] 26. By means of this regenerative power those kings, who had been destroyed, were herein restored, and obtained stability. (For when the lights were sent down through narrow channels in less abundance, the inferior intelligences could take possession of them.) [The "kings who had been destroyed" are the "Edomite kings." the "worlds of unbalanced force," who could not subsist because the "form of the heavenly man" was not as yet. See Introduction, § 41-56.] 27. The rigours (of judgments, which are symbolized by those kings), which are masculine, are vehement in the beginning; but in the end they are slackened. In the female the contrary rule obtaineth. 28. (We have an example of this in this form of the name) VIH (where the male hath two letters, and the female one only; and the masculine also the letter in the beginning long, and afterwards short. But also in this form) the channels of connection are shrouded beneath His covering (that his, the supernal letters are doubtless connected in marital conjunction, but they are enshrouded in the letter Vau. And) Yod (is in this place) small, (a symbol of the foundation; because) in the very form (of the female, that is, even as he is hidden within H, He, which also is not ttie supernal but the inferior H, He) he is found. (And all are judgments, because the supernal influx is wanting.) 29. But if (these) judgments are to be mitigated, necessarily the Ancient One is required (that is, the first letters of the Tetragrammaton, denoting, IH Yah, the father together with the crown, which is the apex of the primal letter, and is called Macroprosopus.) 30. The same species of rigours and judgments occurred in the inferiors. For like as to the He of the bride, are added the two letters Yod and Vau. under the idea of the leviathan; (so) the serpent came upon the woman, and formed in her a nucleus of impurity, in order that he might make the habitation evil. 31. Like as it is written., Gen. iv. 1: "And she conceived and brought forth ATH QIN, Ath Qain, Cain, (that is) the nucleus QINA, Qaina, of the abode of evil spirits, and turbulence, and evil occurrences." (See further in the "Treatise of the Revolutions of the Soul.") [The "Treatise of the Revolutions of the Soul" is not published in this volume] 32. (But this name VIH) is restored (if it be written IHV; and thus) in that man (the supernal, concerning whom it hath been spoken above; and also) in those two (namely, the father and the mother, also in the androgynous Microprosopus; and also partly) in genus (seeing that Vau alone symbolizeth both the Microprosopus and his bride) and in species (seeing that Yod and He are placed separately as father and mother). 33. (But just as much) are they contained in the special (representation of those spouses, as) also in the general (that is, as much in father and mother as in Microprosopus with his bride); legs and arms right and left (that is, the remaining riumerations, collected together in two lateral lines, With the middle line representing Vau and Yod.) 34. (But) this (that is, the supreme equality) is divided in its sides, because Yod and He are placed expressly as the father and the mother; but in another equality) the male is conformed with the female (like an audrogyn, because the last He is not added. Whence are made) IHV. 35. I, Yod, is male (namely, the father); H, He, is female (namely, the mother); V, Vau (however, is androgynous, like as) it is written, Gen. V. 2: " Male and female created lie them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam." 36. (Thus also) the form and person of a man was seated upon the throne; and it ig written, Ezek. i. 26: " And upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above it." [This piece alludes to the Tetragrammaton itself, showing the hieroglyphic form of a man: the I=head, H=arms, V=body, and H =legs. See Introduction and Table of Alphabet.] ANNOTATION. (Belonging to § 19, foregoing.) 1. Another explanation. "Let waters bring forth abundantly." In this place, in the Chaldee paraphrase, it is said IRChShVN, which hath a general meaning of movement. As if it should be said: "When his lips by moving themselves and murmuring, produced the words, like a prayer from a righteous heart and pure mind, the water produced the living soul." (The meaning is concerning the act of generating life.) 2. And when a man wishes to utter his prayers rightly before the Lord, and his lips move themselves in this manner, (his invocations) rising upward from him, for the purpose of magnifying the majesty of his Lord unto the place of abundance of the water where the depth of that fountain riseth and floweth forth (that is, understanding emanating from wisdom); then (that fountain floweth forth plentifully, and) spreadeth abroad so as to send down the influx from the Highest, downwards from that place of abundance of water, into the paths singly and conjointly, even unto the last path; in order that her bjuntiful grace may be derived into all from the highest downwards. [H, He, the supernal mother.] 3. Then indeed is such a man held to intertwine the connecting links of (them) all, namely, those connecting links of true and righteous meditation; and all his petitions shall come to pass, whether his petition be made in a place of worship, whether in private prayer. ["Such a man" -i.e. a righteous man, when praying sincerely. "Links of them" -i.e., the paths.] 4. But the petition. which a man wisheth to make unto his Lord can ordinarily be propounded in nine ways. 5. Either (1) by the alphabet, or (2) by commemorating the attributes of the most holy and blessed God, merciful and gracious, &c. (according to the passage in Exodus xxxiv. 6, &c.); or (3) by the venerable names of the most holy and blessed God; such are these \: AHIH, Eheieh (in respect of the Crown), and IH, Yah (in respect of the Wisdom); IHV, Yod He Vau (in respect of the Understanding); AL, El (in respect of the Majesty); ALHIM, Elohim (in respect of the Severity); IHVH,) Yod He Vau He (in respect of the Beauty); TzBAVTh, Tzabaoth (in respect of the Victory and the Glory); ShDI, Shaddai (in respect of the Foundation); and ADNI, Adonaï (in respect of the Kingdom). Or (4) by the ten Sephiroth or numerations, which are: MLKVTH, Malkuth, the Kingdom; ISVD, Yesod, the Foundation; HVD, Hod, the Glory; NTzCh, Netzach, the Victory; ThPARTh, Tipereth, the Beauty; GBVRH, Geburah, the Severity; ChSID, Chesed, the Benignity; BINH, Binah, the Understanding; ChKMH, Chokhmah, the Wisdom; and KTHR, Kether, the Crown. Or (5) by the commemoration of just men, such as are patriarchs, prophets, and kings. Or (6) by those canticles and psalms wherein is the true Qabalah. And (7), above all these, if any one should know how to declare the conformations of his Lord, according as it is honourable to do. Or (8) if he may know how to ascend from that which is below to that which is above. Or (9) those who know also how to derive the influx from the highest downward. And in all these nine ways there is need of very great concentration of attention; because if he doeth not that, it is written concerning him, 1 Sam. ii. 30: "And they that despise Me shall be lightly esteemed." [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] |
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