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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Relax, he teased softly. You vibrate like a drum. I won t hurt you. I& I know that, she managed. Her voice didn t sound familiar at all. You think that limp makes you unattractive to men, he mused at her ear. When it only makes you sexier. I like having you lean on me. Although I am sorry for the reason you limp. She loved the smell of his body. She laid her cheek against his broad, hair-roughened chest, there in the opening of his shirt. She wondered how it would feel against her bare body, and she almost gasped at the direction her thoughts were taking. And what forbidden dreams are producing that little whisper of dismay, eh? he asked at her ear. He turned, pulling her even closer, and laughed softly. Don t tighten up like that. Life is for living. It is a celebration, not a wake. I don t know much about celebrating, she managed in a breathless tone. He lifted his head and looked down into her soft green eyes. Perhaps it is time you learned, he whispered. As he spoke, his gaze fell to her pretty, soft mouth with its faint tint of pink. And not only about celebrating, he added, as his head began to bend. She hung there, trembling, aching, vulnerable, wanting nothing more than to feel that hard, sensual mouth crushing down on hers. Her eyes half closed. She d been attracted to him from the very beginning. It seemed he might feel the same way. Her heart almost exploded with joy as she felt the first, brief, exquisite brush of his hard mouth over her soft one. He moved slowly, barely tasting her, nibbling at her upper lip and then nipping it with his teeth. He laughed when she jerked away. So you don t like it when I bite? he mused. Okay. I ll do it your way. He bent again, nudging her into a secluded area where the shadows engulfed them. Like this, then, querida& He kissed her very tenderly, hardly touching her with his mouth until her lips began to follow his. And then, breath by breath, he increased the pressure and the passion until she was moaning softly. Then he crushed his mouth down over hers, arched her into his tall, powerful body and kissed her so hard that it felt as if the world had dropped out from under her altogether. She clung to him, whimpering. But the music was slowing. He released her abruptly, before they were noticed, or heard. He seemed preoccupied as he stared down at her swollen mouth, her flushed cheeks. His dark eyes narrowed. He held her by the waist and eased her away from him. What the hell am I doing? he murmured roughly. She knew then that it had been an impulse. Not eternal love, not even savage lust. It had just been an impulse, perhaps kindled by the presence of the woman he wanted and couldn t have. And now he looked both apologetic and uncomfortable with her. She had to find a way out for him, something that would hide her own headlong desire and spare her pride from the sting of his sudden rejection. Wow, she said, wide-eyed. He blinked. Excuse me? She grinned up at him. Sorry, were you expecting a different reaction? Okay. She wiped off the smile and glared up at him, propping her hands on her hips. How dare you treat me like a sex object! He was really looking odd, now. Her eyebrows went up. Not that approach, either? All right. How s this? She shook back her hair. Honestly, she said haughtily, you men are all alike! He wasn t usually so slow. The contact had gone a little to his head. She might not be a raving beauty, but she had a kissable mouth, and he liked the way she responded to him. We are not all alike, he pointed out, eyes twinkling now. Yes, you are, she retorted. Dressing in a sexy manner, wearing cologne that makes us weak-kneed, enticing us into intimate dances& Guilty, he agreed, chuckling. But I could accuse you of the same thing, he added. She started to answer the charge, but before she could, one of the daughters of a worker, just out of high school, popped up and boldly asked Rodrigo to dance. Sorry, he told Glory. But apparently, I am in demand. Yes, you are, the girl laughed, tugging at his hand. Come on, Rodrigo! He spared a last wistful glance at Glory and let himself be led to the dance floor. ALL TOO SOON, THE band packed up and left. The workers went back to their homes. Glory had left the party a little before everyone else. The dance had been wonderful, but her hip was killing her. She took her evening medicines and sat on her bed in her sleeveless long white cotton gown, praying for it to take effect soon. This was an old battle that she d fought since her teens, this constant pain. But she smiled, remembering Rodrigo s mouth on her own, the exciting things he d whispered in her ear. She remembered, too, that he d been cold sober when they danced. There wasn t a trace of alcohol on his breath. Handsome, sexy Rodrigo who could have had almost any woman he wanted, and he d chosen to dance with plain old Glory. It made her feel proud. She tried not to think that he might have been pretending with her, pretending that she was the lovely blonde woman from his past. She was just setting her alarm clock when there was a faint tap at her bedroom door. Puzzled, because it was very late, she walked gingerly across the carpeted floor and opened the door just a crack. Rodrigo pushed it back, gently, and smiled at her. You forgot to take something with you, he said. What? she asked with breathless delight. Me. He closed the door behind him, lifted her gently into his arms and bent to her mouth. Kissing was addictive. She loved the tenderness he showed her, the exquisite caresses that didn t threaten, didn t frighten, but made her hungry for more. There was more than a trace of alcohol on his breath, but she was too stunned by his sudden appearance in her bedroom to care. She was barely aware that she was suddenly lying across the bedspread with Rodrigo half beside, half over her yielded body. It felt right to lie in his arms and let him love her. You dress like someone s grandmother, he murmured against her mouth as his hand slid down her body. She would have told him that no girl child wore provocative nightwear in foster care. It would have been asking for trouble. But his mouth was already over hers and seconds later, the gown was moving up as Rodrigo s hands found her soft breasts and smoothed over them. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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