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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] each day. I feel energy surging through my do an excellent job. Since I always set a body as I exercise. All my muscles work good example and am fair and thoughtful in together; and with each daily exercise, I am my dealings with others, I receive a great more confident in the strength I receive deal of respect and warmth from them. I Each day I am able to perform more return their warmth, and they feel as I do exercises. I use every muscle, and each fibre that I am an extremely lovable person. becomes stronger. Each day exercising is I communicate with case effectively and easier, and I can do more. I exercise each energetically at all times: with family, opportunity I have and feel vibrant strength friends, my supervisors and business as I do. I exercise my legs, arms, shoulders, associates. My mind - always aware of what stomach and back. I use every muscle - and is going on around me - quickly and cleverly each time I enjoy it more. Running, lifting, supplies a solution or reply to all problems, walking becomes easier and more enjoyable questions, situations, and I deliver the each day. I am healthier each day. information in a logically interesting and, Exercising gives me unlimited exaltation where appropriate, witty manner. People as each exercise becomes easier and the seek my opinion on subjects of all natures; more confident I am. I move easily, and all and when I have given my enlightening my muscles work toward the goals of reply, they are pleased and happy they asked physical strength and coordination. Each me. I have a great talent for expressing my muscle responds to my command. Each day thoughts and ideas vividly with an more vitality surges through my body. I enthusiasm that favorably impresses easily think of new ways to exercise. I easily everyone with whom I come in contact. do sit-ups, leg-raises, bends and stretches. I have a pleasing, sparkling and I delight in using my muscles. I feel alert charming personality; and my voice is and relaxed and exercising gives me great pleasant to listen to. People are eager to hear pleasure. what I have to say, not only because of my delightfully poised speaking manner, but also because what I say makes sense to singing for him or her alone. They feel my them, is logical, and leaves a favorable generous love flowing out to them, and I feel feeling with the person listening. a vast abundant wave of love flowing back to me from them. I am singing my song to All of these ideas are symbolized by the my audience because I know that they care name (fill in with word or phrase about the story I am telling them. They care suggested). when I am happy and they are happy for me. When I want to cry, they want to cry, too. Deep Flowing Spring When my heart breaks, their hearts break with mine. When I am exultant, they rejoice The following ideas are, symbolized by with me. We are in love with each other. I the phrase Deep Flowing Spring. am a loveable person, and I am in love with I love to sing. When I sing, I feel a all mankind. pulsating flow of emotion like the waters of Success comes to me because I am a gushing spring flowing forth from deep deserving of success. Prosperity and riches within the earth. Each song is a complete come to me in abundance. The treasures of exciting drama to be acted out with profound the universe were created for me, and I interpretation. When the words denote accept them with joy and gratitude. gaiety, I feel the happy laughter bubbling to the surface, expressed in my smiling lips and All of these ideas are symbolized by the laughing eyes. When the words are tearful phrase Deep Flowing Spring. and full of heartbreak, my voice wails with pent up tears and moans with sadness. Every phrase, every word is full of meaning. All BASIC RULES FOR THE my heritage comes forth to help transmit the HYPNOTIST vibrant and thrilling drama to my rapt To remember in your study and practice audience held spellbound by my exciting as a hypnotist. Some of the most important performance - the powerful, stirring soul of ones to follow are: my black blood, the ritualism and nobility of 1. Learn your subject thoroughly. The my Indian ancestry, the perpetual tragedy of proper study of hypnotism is a lifetime the Jew, and the control and classical study. The greater your interest, the benefits from my white strains. I am a greater your desire to become highly melting pot of many cultures, and the best of proficient, the more there is to study and all worlds come forth to find expression in learn. my beautiful voice. 2. Let your manner, your words, your When I sing my breathing is deep and movement and your voice show self- steady from the diaphragm; my tones are confidence. rich chest tones placed just behind my lower teeth. My lower jaw is loose, my throat 3. The beginner must always avoid giving relaxed, my mouth is moist, my hands are the impression he is a beginner. dry, my legs are steady. The words to my 4. Remove all fear of hypnotism harbored songs are forever etched upon my brain and by the subject as well as all come readily to my lips. misconceptions. My audience listens intently to my every 5. Cultivate a soothing manner in voice and word because each one knows that I am create a feeling of trust and confidence in the subject. 6. Never show excitement or uncertainty in anything your subject does and never change your voice perceptively as would be done if you were excited because the subject will respond to only one voice and cannot reason under hypnosis. 7. For your first subject, try to select a person who has been previously hypnotized if at all possible. Otherwise, select a very cooperative person. When giving performances before an audience, try to hypnotize a subject before appearing before the audience. Give the subject the hypnotic suggestion for your post-hypnotic reinduction. After you gain some experience this will no longer be necessary. 8. Realize that there is a small percentage of people, about five percent, that will not enter hypnosis at any given time or with any given hypnotist. 9. Always remember that whatever any other hypnotist can do, you can do once you have developed the experience, the background, the knowledge and the understanding that the other hypnotists may have. UNDERSTANDING HYPNOSIS AND HYPNOTHERAPY HYPNOSIS DEFINED factor of the conscious mind and reaches the subconscious it is often substantially Hypnosis is a natural state of mind with changed in intensity and content. As the con- special identifying characteristics as follows: scious mind diminishes, the subconscious 1. An extraordinary quality of mental, mind comes forward. Consciousness never physical and emotional relaxation. disappears in hypnosis and hypnosis is never equated with unconsciousness. When the 2. An emotionalized desire to satisfy the deeper states of trance are induced, the suggested behavior: the subject feels like conscious mind relaxes, agreeably following the hypnotist's instructions, relinquishes control and stands aside as an directions and suggestions, except those onlooker and can intervene whenever that generate conflict with the subject's necessary. values, i.e., character attitudes, religious beliefs and moral principles. HYPNOTHERAPY DEFINED 3. The organism becomes self-regulating as [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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