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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] location of the floatwood drift south of us. I ll wait for him there. Tell him I may have a problem getting Dr. Cay off his island, and that I d like him to come out with full troubleshooting equipment And Spiff! a thin voice interrupted emphatically from the corner of the room. The sledmen looked around, startled. Sweeting blinked at them, began nosing her chest fur disinterestedly. People who didn t know Sweeting well frequently were surprised by the extent to which she followed the details of human discussions. And Spiff, of course, Nile agreed. If we find out what s been happening around the floatwood, we ll try to get word to you at once. Fiam nodded quickly. Six hours from now we ll have a racing sled in the drift. Any close-contact messages should be picked up. Code Sotira-Doncar, on the sledmen frequencies. . . . The Great Palach Koll, said the demon on the platform, has persuaded the Page 160 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Everliving to permit him to test the Tuvela Theory. Ticos Cay didn t reply immediately. His visitor was the Palach Moga, one of the Everliving, though of lower grade than the Great Palachs and somewhere between them and the Oganoon in physical structure, about Ticos size and weight. Moga didn t squat but stood upright, long hopping legs stretched out, and walked upright when he walked, with short careful awkward steps. His torso was enclosed in an intricate close-worked harness of silver straps. In what was happening here he and Ticos Cay had become cautious allies. Ticos was aware that the alliance might be of very temporary nature. I was under the impression, he told Moga, that the Voice of Caution was able to keep the reckless demands of the Great Palach from being given a hearing. Moga s speaking slit twisted in agitation. We have done it until now, he said. But the Great Palach has assumed control of the Voice of Action. He accused his predecessor of a Violation of Rules, and the Everliving found the accusation valid. The predecessor was granted the death of a Palach. You must understand that in his new position Koll s demands can no longer be silenced. Yes, I see . . . Advancement usually came the hard way among the demons. Two favored methods were a ritualized form of assassination and having one s superior convicted of a Violation of Rules. They had the same practical result. Ticos swallowed. Bad very bad. . . . He leaned back against the worktable to avoid revealing that his legs were trembling. How does the Great Palach propose to test the Tuvela Theory? The Guardian Etland is again attempting to contact you, Moga said. Yes, I know. The communicator in the partitioned end of the room had signaled half a dozen times during the past half hour. The signals, Moga explained, are on the cambi channel. The close-contact band! Ticos said thickly, She already is in the area? Could anyone else be seeking for you here? No. Then it is the Guardian. There is a human airvehicle high overhead. It is very small but rides the storm well. It moves away, returns again. The island growth has changed since she was here last, said Ticos. She may not have determined yet on which of these islands I should be. He added urgently, This gives us a chance to forestall actions by Koll! I have the Guardian s call symbol Moga gave the whistle of absolute negation. It is now quite impossible to approach your communicator, he said. I would die if I attempted it unless it were under open orders of the Everliving. Koll will be allowed to carry out his plan. He has arranged tests to determine whether a Tuvela is a being such as the Tuvela Theory conjectures it to be. The first test will come while the Guardian is still in the air. At a selected moment the Great Palach will have a device activated which is directed at her vehicle. If she responds promptly and correctly, the vehicle will be incapacitated, but the Guardian will not be harmed. If she does not respond promptly and correctly, she dies at that point. Moga stared at Ticos a moment. The significance of her death, of course, will be the Everliving s conclusion that Tuvelas lack the basic qualities ascribed to them. The Great Plan is now in balance. If the balance is to shift again in favor of the Voice of Caution, the Guardian must not fail. Her class is being judged in her. If she fails, the Voice of Action attains full control. Page 161 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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