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    King. You are very infamous you know, I teased him.
     Unfortunately, I do and they can never know who I am, of course. As a matter of
    fact, later on today when we leave this ship, I won t be the king anymore and the Devil s
    Eyetooth will belong to Henry. I am giving him my ship and my identity. When we leave
    here, I m just going to be an ordinary man, he explained.
    I shook my head at him.  No, you re wrong because there is nothing ordinary
    about you. You ll never be ordinary no matter how hard you try.
    I moved my head to kiss him on the chest as he explained how no one would ever
    realize that Drake Conrad was in fact two different men. When Drake had first offered his
    ship to Henry, he was more than happy to take over Drake s identity. He was young and
    full of the desire for adventure. Since no one really knew what the legendary Pirate King
    looked like, Henry taking his place would be easy and the tight-lipped crew would never
    tell what they knew. No one would be the wiser.
     So if Henry is Drake Conrad, then who am I taking back with me to Land s
    Beach? I asked. Once again it seemed I didn t know the name of the man I loved. It was
    DIARY OF ANNALISE Annmarie Ortega 23
    starting to become a habit for me.
     Well, I ve been thinking about that. My middle name is Joseph, so I think I ll go
    by that. And before my mother married my father, her last name was Mitchel. So I think
    I am Joseph Mitchel, he said, trying out his new name.
     I think Joseph suits you, I said as I leaned up to kiss him.
     And Annalise Mitchel, does that suit you? he asked me with a gleam in his eye.
     I think Joseph and Annalise Mitchel sounds wonderful, I replied with a soaring
     Good then, he said.  By the way, Annalise, so you know since you ve been
    kidnapped, I ve had all the debts taken care of for the Wench. I also gave something extra
    to your men. I thought that even if you refused me, you didn t deserve to have all that
    debt hanging over you.
     Thank you, Dra- Joseph, I said, feeling the weight of the world leave my weary
    shoulders.  You have made me the happiest woman alive, I confessed to him before we
    started making love again.
    So now we are on another ship, smaller than the Devil s Eyetooth, headed back to
    Land s Beach. We were married by the captain who is a friend of Joseph s so we ll return
    to the Wench as Joseph and Annalise Mitchel. I know the boys will be surprised, to say
    the least, but I know they ll love Joseph.
    I can hear him now say my name, beckoning me back to him in our bed. We are
    newly weds, after all, and we are going to be on this ship for a few days before we return
    to Land s Beach. I answer back to him that I ll be there in a moment. I m just finishing
    my last few sentences. These past few days have turned my life upside down, but I ve
    never been so happy in my life. And you know something? I love pirates.
    The End [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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