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Home Boys and Foreign Language Learning.Real Boys Don't Do Languages (J.Carr&A.Pauwels) 151. Donald Robyn Nowozelandzki romans Donald_Robyn_ _Letnia_burza Where do the real dangers of genetic engineering l Lisa McMann Koniec 03 Anthony, Piers Incarnations of Immortality 04 Wielding A Red Sword Montgomery Ink 2 Tempting Boundaries Carrie Ann Ryan Balzac Honore Dwaj poeci 351. Anderson Natalie Pierwszy pocaśÂunek garth_nix_ _cykl_stare_królestwo_03_ _abhorsen |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] enormous airborne machine. just to think of the force required nothing menacing about these space ships. to hold it in the sky was enough to stagger any engineer. We were When I got him back to the Gorman case, Redell drew a sketch years away perhaps centuries from any such possibility. on his pad, showing me his idea of the disk light. He estimated As if he had read my thoughts, Redell said soberly, There s the transparent rim as not more than five feet in diameter. no other possible answer. It was a huge space ship perhaps the Possibly smaller, he said. You recall that Gorman said the largest ever to come into our atmosphere. light was between six and eight inches in diameter. He also said It was clear now why such desperate efforts had been made to it seemed to have depth that was in the Air Force report. explain away the object Mantell had chased. What about that You think all the mechanism was hidden by the light? Eastern Airlines sighting? I asked. Only possible answer, said Redell. But just try to imagine Well, first, said Redell, it wasn t any remote-control guided crowding a motor, or jet controls for rim jets, along with remote missile. I ll say it again; it would be sheer insanity. Suppose that controls and a television device, in that small space. Plus your fuel thing had crashed in Macon. At that speed it could have plowed supply. I don t know any engineer who would even attempt it. To its way for blocks, right through the buildings. It could have carry that much gear, it would take a fair-sized plane. You could killed hundreds of people, burned the heart out of the city. make a disk large enough, but the mechanism and fuel section If it was a missile, or some hush-hush experimental job, then it would be two or three feet across, at least. So Gorman s light was piloted. But they don t test a job like that on any commercial must have been powered and controlled by some unique means. airways. And they don t fool around at 5,000 feet where people The same principle applies to all the other light reports I ve heard. will see the thing streaking by and call the newspapers. No shape behind them, high speed, and intelligent maneuvers. To power a hundred-foot wingless ship, especially at those That thing was guided from some interplanetary ship, hovering speeds, would take enormous force. Not as much as a V-two at a high altitude, Redell declared. But I haven t any idea what rocket, but tremendous power. The fuel load would be terrific. source of power it used. Certainly, the pilot wouldn t be circling around Georgia and Until then, I had forgotten about Art Green s letter. I told Alabama for an hour, buzzing airliners. I ll stake everything that Redell what Art had said about the Geiger counter. we couldn t duplicate that space ship s performance for less than I knew they went over Gorman s fighter with a Geiger 50 million dollars. It would take something brand-new in jets. counter, Redell commented. But they said the reaction was Redell paused. He looked at me grimly. And the way I d have negative. If Green is right, it s interesting. It would mean they to soup it up, it would be a damned dangerous ship to fly. No have built incredibly small atomic engines. But with a race so pilot would deliberately fly it that low. He d stay up where he d many years ahead of us, it shouldn t be surprising. Of course, 130 THE FLYING SAUCERS ARE REAL they may also be using some other kind of power our scientists say is impossible. I was about to ask him what he meant when his secretary came in. Mr. Carson is waiting, she told Redell. He had a four-o clock appointment. As I started to leave, Redell looked at his calendar. I hate to break this up, it s a fascinating business. What about CHAPTER THIRTEEN coming in Friday? I d like to see the rest of those case reports. Fine, I said. I ve got a few more questions, too. Going out, I made a mental note of the Friday date. Then the figure clicked; it was just three months since I d started on this efore my date with Redell, I went over all the material I had, assignment. Bhoping to find some clue to the space visitors planet. It was Three months ago. At that time I d only been half sure that possible, of course, that there was more than one planet involved. the saucers were real. If anyone had said I d soon believe they Project Saucer had discussed the possibilities in its report of were space ships, I d have told him he was crazy. April 27, 1949. I read over this section again: Since flying saucers first hit the headlines almost two years ago, there has been wide speculation that the aerial phenomena might actually be some form of penetration from another planet. Actually, astronomers are largely in agreement that only one member of the solar system beside Earth is capable of supporting life. That is Mars. Even Mars, however, appears to be relatively desolate and inhospitable, so that a Martian race would be more occupied with survival than we are on Earth. On Mars, there exists an excessively slow loss of atmosphere, oxygen and water, against which intelligent beings, if they do exist there, may have protected themselves by scientific control of physical conditions. This might have been done, 132 THE FLYING SAUCERS ARE REAL THE DAILY GRAIL www.dailygrail.com 133 scientists speculate, by the construction of homes and After the discussion of solar-system planets, the Project cities underground where the atmospheric pressure would Saucer report went on to other star systems: be greater and thus temperature extremes reduced. The other possibilities exist, of course, that evolution may have Outside the solar system other stars 22 in number have developed a being who can withstand the rigors of the satellite planets. Our sun has nine. One of these, the Earth, Martian climate, or that the race--if it ever did exist--has is ideal for existence of intelligent life. On two others there perished. is a possibility of life. In other words, the existence of intelligent life on Mars, Therefore, astronomers believe reasonable the thesis that where the rare atmosphere is nearly devoid of oxygen and there could be at least one ideally habitable planet for each water and where the nights are much colder than our Arctic of the 22 other eligible stars. winters, is not impossible but is completely unproven. After publication of our findings in True, several astronomers The possibility of intelligent life also existing on the planet said that many planets may be inhabited. One of these was Dr. Venus is not considered completely unreasonable by Carl F. von Weizacker, noted University of Chicago physicist. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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