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    obviously not expecting any response. "Oh, Rue. Only a couple of the Black Mooners have
    seen you in your dancing clothes. Take off the other stuff, so they can see what you really
    look like. I'm not sure they could recognize you in a crowd."
    Rue hadn't planned on becoming the center of attention, but there was no point of making a
    production of this request. She stood and unbuttoned the flannel shirt, pulled off the glasses
    and stepped out of the old corduroy pants she'd pulled on to cover her practice clothes. She
    held out her arms, inviting them to study her in her T-shirt and shorts, and then she sank down
    to the floor again. Sean's arms crossed over her and pulled her tightly against him. This was
    body language anyone could understand "Mine!" The Black Moon people almost all
    smiled Phil and Mustafa being the exceptions and nodded, both to acknowledge Rue and
    to say they'd noted Sean's possessiveness.
    Rue wanted to whack Sean across his narrow aristocratic face.
    She also wanted to kiss him again.
    But there was One thing she had to say. "We had some trouble," she said hesitantly. She could
    understand David and Hallie's silence. They hadn't been on a professional engagement and a
    man had died. But she couldn't understand why Megan wasn't speaking out.
    Sylvia said, "With whom?" Her eyebrows were raised in astonishment.
    "Guy named Charles Brody. He got mad when Megan wouldn't take money to meet him
    afterward. He mentioned your name, Sylvia, but he wouldn't& he didn't accept it too well
    when we told him we didn't work for Black Moon. He acted like it was going to be okay, that
    he accepted Megan's refusal, but when he turned to leave, he shoved her down."
    "I don't recognize the name, but he could've hired us before," Sylvia said. "Thanks, I'll put
    him in the watch-for file. Were you hurt?" She waited impatiently for Megan's reply.
    "No," Megan said. "Rue caught me. I would've said something, but I'd pretty much forgotten
    it." She shrugged. She clearly wasn't too pleased with Rue for bringing up the incident.
    "I want to speak," Sean said, and that caught everyone's attention.
    "Sean, I don't think you've spoken at one of these meetings in three years," Sylvia said.
    "What's on your mind?"
    "Rue, show them your stomach," Sean said.
    She rose up on her knees and turned to look at him. "Why?" She was stunned and outraged.
    "Just do it. Please. Show the Black Moon people."
    "You'd better have a good reason for this," she said in a furious undertone.
    He nodded at her, his blue eyes intent on her face.
    With a visible effort, Rue faced the group and pulled down the front of her elastic-waist
    shorts. The Black Moon people looked, and Abilene gave a sharp nod of acknowledgment
    Phil's dark eyes went from the ugly scar to Rue's face, and there was a sad kinship in them
    that she could hardly bear. Mustafa scowled, while Rick, David and Hallie looked absolutely
    matter-of-fact. Haskell, the enforcer, averted his eyes.
    "The man who did this is out of the mental hospital, and he's probably here in the city," Sean
    said, his Irish accent heavier than usual. Rue covered her scars, sank to her knees on the floor
    and looked down at the linoleum with utter concentration. She didn't know if she wanted to
    swear and throw something at Sean or& she just didn't know. He had massively minded her
    business. He'd gone behind her back.
    But it felt good to have someone on her side.
    "I got a human to find a picture of this man in the newspaper and copy it." Sean began to pass
    around the picture. "This is Carver Hutton IV. He's looking for Rue under her real name,
    Layla LeMay. He knows she dances. His family's got a lot of money. He can get into almost
    any party anywhere. Even with his past, most hostesses would be glad to have him."
    "What are you doing?" Rue gasped, almost unable to get enough breath together to speak.
    "I've kept all this secret for years! And in the space of five minutes, you've told people
    everything about me. Everything!" For the first time in her life, Rue found herself on the
    verge of hitting someone. Her hands fisted.
    "And keeping secret worked out well for you?" Sean asked coolly.
    "I've seen him," a husky voice said. Hallie.
    And just like that, Rue's anger died, consumed by an overwhelming fear.
    If any of the dancers had doubted Rue's story, they saw the truth of it when they saw her face.
    They all knew what fear looked like.
    "Where?" Sean asked.
    Hallie crooked her finger at her partner. "We saw him," she said to David. He put his white [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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