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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Each fighter, having tended to the tools of his trade, put himself through a fixed regimen of exercise, testing and stretching each major muscle group, grunting at the effort and the aching, whilst relishing the complaints from each muscle and tendon. Glowing from the effects of their exertions they shook hands and grasped forearms in wordless amity before moving back to their chairs. Then, they sat and waited. * * * * At six in the morning, the main door to the tavern was flung wide. The landlord of the inn stood in the opening, with a score of heavily armed citizens at his back. All were filthy, coated in grime, dust and blood, each with a dull, blank expression on his face. The landlord spoke in a rusty, stilted, emotionless voice. You will accompany us to Lord Starmor's tower. He is displeased at your depredations, and he summons you for punishment. The punishment will be swift and merciful if you comply. Otherwise, your torments will be slow and agonising." Grimm looked at Dalquist, who responded with the faintest of nods. The young Questor took out his ready-filled pipe and lit it, drawing in the acrid fumes as if he was consuming nectar. The men-at-arms drew closer, threatening, but they did nothing while Grimm emptied the bowl of his pipe. Grimm swayed and nearly fell, but he was now better accustomed to the effects of the herbs, and he managed to remain on his feet, feeling his human cares and worries melting away from him. Dalquist stepped forward and addressed the landlord, who seemed to have noticed nothing amiss in the junior mage's swift change in demeanour. "We do not respond well to threats, landlord, he blustered. Had Starmor the power, he would have summoned us directly, or arrived here in person. Yet he cannot do so; he dare not. "I offer a counter-proposal; we shall send our emissary, Questor Grimm, to parlay with your master. Starmor now knows well the folly of opposing even a single Guild Mage, let alone two. We wish to come to an arrangement suitable to all, without further bloodshed. If Starmor seeks to bully or threaten us, it will cost him dear. Now we know his methods, we shall risk no headlong assault. Instead, we shall concentrate on the destruction of his tower and the annihilation of his bonded slaves." The landlord appeared to be considering Dalquist's proposal at some length, but Grimm guessed Starmor had been using the wretched man's senses as his own, and that the demon Baron was the one preparing to speak. "Very well, Questor, the enslaved barkeeper croaked. Let your emissary approach the Tower. The group of Crarians turned as one and filed out of the inn, and the impassive Grimm followed them. A new, dark tower loomed over the city: a baleful presence, dominating the land. The soft moans of torment now had amplified into a deafening cacophony of mordant screams and moans that would have chilled Grimm's spine, were he in possession of his normal palette of emotions. It seemed Starmor had not been idle; the humanoid demon had stolen the tortured souls of many more hapless Crarian citizens in order to recharge the loathsome edifice. At the point of a halberd, Grimm was ushered up the winding staircase of tortured faces until he reached Starmor's throne chamber, and the screams of Page 52 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html the lost souls reduced into gentle moans. The decor was as yet incomplete, and the furniture was sparse, but the grand throne stood in its former place, with an unsettlingly smiling Starmor sitting on it. Hanging from the ceiling swung an enormous simulacrum of a birdcage, with a listless Shakkar confined inside. Grimm's Sight told him that another mighty ward prevented the demon from escape. "Well, stripling; we meet again, Starmor sneered, leaning forward until his elbows rested on his knees. I trust you see now the futility of opposing me. You did well to destroy my tower, but you should have fled when you had the chance. Remaining here was a bad mistake, and I intend to show you the error of your ways in full rigour. "I understand from my minions that you wish to strike some kind of deal. The only bargain I offer is this; surrender the Eye of Myrrn to me, and I will spare your lives. In return for my forbearance, you will submit to my service for a period of five years." "My companions and I prefer death to the prospect of becoming mindless slaves, Grimm said in a cold monotone, subtly inching his way towards Starmor. He would need to touch the demon in order to carry out his spell of Translocation. With his emotions suppressed, he felt certain he had managed to conceal his intent from his enemy. "You need not fear on that score, mage, Starmor droned, sitting up straight in his throne. I have need of competent souls with their wits intact. I swear to leave your minds unaltered, although I will punish the least transgression with unmitigated severity. "Serve me in good faith, and I will treat you well. Refuse me, and I will begin my retribution with your warrior friends. They will take their places in the structure of my tower, and their agonies will far surpass any that the most fiendish torturer could inflict; agonies that will last not for hours or days, but for decades, centuries. Agonies that you could never hope to alleviate, although I can stop them in an instant. I have no use for these two creatures, but I will allow them their bodies and their free will only while you obey me. Your first transgression will result in a painful lesson visited upon the one called Harvel; a second will see his soul imprisoned within the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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