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    negative thoughts on a separate sheet of paper. Even if the
    negative thought or feeling is only slight, write it down. Really
    listen to yourself. If, for instance, you begin to hear yourself say,
    "I'm never going to lose weight," "This is going to be too hard,"
    or "I am never going to get the garage cleaned out and set up an
    office," write it down and then continue writing your three
    groups of affirmations.
    Self-Discipline in 10 days
    After you finish writing your affirmations, look at any
    negative thoughts that you wrote. This process will give you a
    good look at the methods that you are using to inhibit your self-
    discipline. Try to connect the negative thoughts you wrote to one
    of the self-discipline road blocks we discussed earlier, such as
    Hyde's poisons, or one of the five subconscious fears, or one of
    the subconscious beliefs that underlie the fears.
    Sometimes you will find that a negative thought or feeling can
    be connected to more than one of the roadblocks, sometimes
    connected to all three. After you discover Hyde's methods, give
    yourself a few moments to think about what you discovered.
    Then you automatically will begin to counteract Hyde's anti-
    self-discipline campaign. Your insights will help you develop
    positive patterns of self-discipline for any goal you want to turn
    into reality.
    Now turn your affirmations into Vitaminds
    This trick is quick and easy. Simply take the sheet of paper
    that contains your three sets of identical affirmations and separate
    the three sets. Put one set where you will see it every day, even
    many times a day. How about on the bathroom mirror? Your car
    dashboard? Your night stand? Next, do the same with the second
    set of affirmations. This will give you a set of affirmations in two
    different prominent places. Put the third set into you wallet or
    purse, so that you have it with you throughout the day. All you
    have to do is remember to read it as many times as you think of
    it. Ten times is good; a hundred times is better.
    12. "Achieve Without Discomfoort
    For the rest of your life, use this technique to turn each of your
    goals into Vitaminds. Try writing them on index cards. Change
    the cards every couple of weeks, or whenever you get so used to
    seeing them that they no longer have an impact. Change cards
    when you change goals, or when you add new goals to your life.
    In addition to making Vitaminds that keep your goals in the
    psychological spotlight, you can also make Vitaminds to help
    yourself start or finish any task that you don't want to do. This
    technique works even if you have two or three different goals
    going at once. Every time you write or read your Vitamind, you
    are giving your self-discipline a boost. Remember: Take your
    Vitaminds daily!
    You will soon be combining your Vitaminds with Visualization,
    Self-talk, and other techniques. Individually, these techniques
    work well. In combination, they work incredibly well. Don't
    neglect them. They're all quick, easy, and effective.
    Whenever you find an inspiring quote
    write it on a strip of paper and put it
    where you can see it many times a day.
    Also put a copy in your wallet or purse.
    Remember to read it frequently. Change
    your quote regularly.
    Day Nine
    "I Can't Change"
    Self-Discipline in 10 days
    "I Can't Change"
    "Some people just can't change,"
    "I'm just lazy."
    "This is just the kind of person I am."
    "I'm just like my mom (or dad)."
    How often have you heard these types of statements?
    Probably quite often. But no matter how often you have heard
    them, they are as full of holes as a screen door. People do
    change constantly. However, there is a catch. Maybe you
    remember the old joke that says, "How many psychotherapists
    does it take to change a light bulb? Only one but the light bulb
    has to really want to change." Therein lies the rub.
    No one can make another person want to change; the desire
    for change must come from within. In short, if a person is to
    change, then that person first needs to choose, consciously and
    subconsciously, to change. And increasing one's self-discipline
    easily qualifies as a change. This applies regardless of whether
    the self-discipline will be put to use with a small task or a big
    About choosing to change: Our behavior, emotions, intellect,
    and just about everything else about us, other than biological
    considerations, are the result of a series of choices. Many of
    these choices are made on a daily basis. Moreover, we decide
    daily whether to continue honoring certain past choices;
    sometimes this process is conscious, other times subconscious.
    Indeed, choice is what links our current behavior to our past
    decisions, experiences, and influences.
    13. "I Can't Change
    We are chained to our past only so long as we choose to be.
    "I've been this way for so long, I can't change." "You can't
    teach an old dog new tricks." "I was raised to believe..." Such
    statements reflect an unwillingness to accept responsibility for
    one's present life. Of course, who we are and what we do today
    is related to yesterday.
    But to allow our yesterdays to determine and dictate our [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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