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[ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] first stage of Due Diligence. You never want to waste your time and energy on someone who isn t excited to get to know you better. On the other hand, he may have caught you at a perfect time. So, if this is a good time and you want to talk with him, the first thing you say, just as above, How nice to hear from you, in a gracious tone, no matter how ecstatic you are that he called or upset because it has been too long. Let him lead the conversation and keep it brief unless he is the chatty type. Most men are not. If he wants to make a date always tell him, I think I m free but let me check my calendar just to be sure. Then walk away, even if you know you are free. When you come back to the phone say, Saturday night (or whenever it is) would be great. I m so happy I m available. Then let him respond with the logistical details. Why do I recommend you do this? Well, there are a couple of reasons. One is, the obvious, that you don t want him to know your calendar is empty for the next several months. Another has to do with the human reaction to scarcity. If he thinks you are busy, maybe with other men trying to get a little bit of your time, his interest will be peaked. I m not saying you should tell him you have other men vying for your time. I don t think you should ever lie or blatantly mislead other than to spare someone s feelings (more about this later). But part of what needs to happen at this stage of dating is to remember to keep it fun and playful, or at least your version of fun and playful if you are both more serious. Some would say this is childish manipulation. Our behavior is childish only when it is out of control. We all should allow a little more childlike energy into our lives. I put an update on Facebook the other day talking about how fun it is to dance in the kitchen in my socks. I got so many happy comments about that. Play is essential to our emotional well-being and the foundation of flirting is play. Flirting Made Easy Copyright © 2009 by Kara Oh All Rights Reserved 66 = = = = = Secret About Men: Men are competitive by nature and they need to work for a goal. You, for now, are the goal. Never make it too easy or you take away his fun and yours as well. Why? You wouldn t have to ask if you ve ever had the enjoyment of a man pursuing you. It brings out the womanly energy in the most delicious ways. = = = = = If he s Mr. Efficient and just wants to make an appointment to take you out, great, go ahead make the date. Be appreciative and let him know you are looking forward to getting better acquainted. All the while, stay in your feminine energy and enjoy how good it feels to have a man you find attractive pursuing you. If he wants to chat, keep it light and let him lead the conversation. Most of the Due Diligence should be done face-to-face so you can read his body language, his facial expressions, how he behaves toward you, whether or not he treats you like a lady, that he is respectful, dresses well, etc. This will be the first stage of Due Diligence. At this stage you are determining if he has the qualities you require and a personality you enjoy. You hopefully learned enough on your first meeting to feel like he will, at least, be enjoyable company. Now it s time to pay closer attention and not simply get swept away with his charm or good looks. Mistakes Women Make: They try to do all the Due Diligence in the first conversation or on the first date. Great big turn-off because it does not come from Feminine Grace. It s more like a trial lawyer grilling the defendant. At least that s what men tell me it feels like. This is an opportunity to find out what he wants, then have an enjoyable conversation. First, tell him how nice it is to hear from him. Don t say anything more. Let him take charge. Don t go into Woman Speak where you start talking to him the same way you would a girlfriend. Flirting Made Easy Copyright © 2009 by Kara Oh All Rights Reserved 67 Let this be time where you can get a better feel for each other, as a kind of continuation of the flirting you were doing the first time you met. Be light, fun, laugh at his humor, stay tuned to his need to get from point A to point B, or is he more relaxed, telling stories, etc. Do keep the conversation short because: " It s too easy to bond over the phone. " You could say something that he misunderstands because he can t see you, and makes a premature judgment about who he thinks you are. " You aren t giving him the opportunity to work to win you over. " You can slip into Woman Speak without realizing it and without being able to see his face, you won t know he s rolling his eyes and looking at his watch How do you get off the phone gracefully? Tell him, with your Feminine Grace fully flowing, I m enjoying talking to you entirely too much and I m afraid we ll run out of things to say. Shall we save some for when we meet on& ? Then let him take charge again. If he wants to continue talking, as long as neither of you are in the court room, cross examining, then go a bit longer. But after it feels right, you need to end the conversation. To end the conversation, say something like: It has been so much fun talking with you. I need to get some things done but thank you so much for calling. I m really looking forward to& (this Friday, our dinner date, our walk, etc.) Then, hand control of the balance of the call back to him so he can take charge again. (Do you see that you are really in charge? By knowing so clearly what you are doing, even when you hand the control over to him, you re still in control.) Once you get the hang of this, you re going to have a lot of fun. Flirting Made Easy Copyright © 2009 by Kara Oh All Rights Reserved 68 Chapter Three Internet Flirting With social networking and dating sites, we can t ignore the Internet as a powerful and popular way for more and more men and women to meet. So it s essential to include Internet Flirting in this book. Your Profile Speaks Volumes When you write a profile for a dating site, try to be entertaining, light hearted, creative, playful and fun. Say who you really are, don t sound demanding, let whoever reads it see that you admire and appreciate men. Share it with someone who knows you to be sure it gets your personality across to a potential reader. To make it is good as possible, read it aloud. It s amazing what you can pick up that you don t notice when you re reading it to yourself. You want to come across as intelligent as possible so be sure there are no typos and your grammar is correct. If you have someone to look it over first, that would be best. It s very difficult to edit our own writing. Years ago, when I tried online dating I wrote a profile that began, Once upon a time there was a faire maiden& I stayed in character throughout and the men who responded were very creative. Lots of white horses and knights in shining armor. We all had a lot of fun with it. Most important is to let your personality shine through. Use a fun user [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] |
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